Author Archive

URCA Publishes the Remainder of its Competition Guidelines

In fulfillment of its commitment to publish a series of comprehensive Guidelines on the application of the competition provisions set out in Part XI of the Communications Act, URCA has today published the remainder of its Competition Guidelines in one document as ECS COMP. 4 to ECS COMP. 9. This document covers the following subjects: Who is covered by the competition provisions? The concept of “undertaking” (ECS COMP.4.) Market definition – its role in competition law (ECS COMP.5.) Anticompetitive agreements – substantive guidance (ECS COMP.6.) Abuse of a dominant position – substantive guidance (ECS COMP.7.) Guidance on the level of…

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URCA Publishes the National Spectrum Plan

URCA publishes the National Spectrum Plan Friday 12 March 2010 The National Radio Spectrum Plan for The Bahamas is published by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) in accordance with Section 31 of the Communications Act, 2009. The Spectrum Plan has received the statutory approval from the Minister with responsibility for the electronic communication sector and identifies the radio frequency spectrum in groups as Premium Spectrum and Standard Spectrum. The Minister will decide the method of allocation for Premium Spectrum and set or prescribe the method by which fees are set for frequencies in those bands. URCA is responsible…

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URCA Publishes Two Documents Today; Final Determination on SMP and Quarterly Report of the Board

Firstly, URCA publishes its Preliminary Determination on the Types of Obligations on operators with Significant Market Power (SMP) on 30 September 2009. Having regard to the comments received during the consultation period, and for the reasons set out in Annex A to this Final Determination, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) hereby issues a Final Determination that it does not intend at this time to issue an order under section 95 of the Communications Act and closes the section 100 process and timelines. In accordance with section 116(3)(b) of the Communications Act, BTC and CBL submitted proposed obligations on…

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URCA Publishes Decision on Complaint Made by Dr. BJ Nottage

In response to a complaint made to the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority by Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, MP, JP, against the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas on 5th February, 2010, consistent with Clause 17 of the Interim Code of Practice for Political Broadcasts (ECS 01/2010) issued on 19th January 2010, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority has investigated the complaint and hereinafter states its formal decision on the matter and the reasons for that decision. The decision can be downloaded on this site under the Publication tab "broadcasting."

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