The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) is pleased to announce the publication of its Consultation Document on the Roadmap to enable 5G deployment in The Bahamas (“the Consultation Document”). URCA believes that the Consultation Document represents a significant step towards the introduction of advanced broadband connectivity in The Bahamas, paving the way for enhanced electronic communications services and social and economic growth. The Consultation Document outlines, amongst other things, the key supply-side considerations and URCA’s proposed regulatory actions to enable the deployment of 5G in The Bahamas and seeks to engage with all stakeholders to ensure that 5G deployment…
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) today launched its public consultation process for the review and modification of existing licences in the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS). This review aims to ensure that the regulatory framework remains robust, equitable, and aligned with the evolving needs of the industry and the Bahamian public. This comprehensive review will cover several key types of licences. URCA proposes that all existing Individual Operating Licences (IOLs), granted to operators providing network and carriage services, be revised to ensure consistency across licensees. For those IOLs expiring in 2024, they will be renewed for the standard 15-year…
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has issued public consultations on the newly developed licenses for the Electricity Sector. As the sector has matured and with the passage of the Electricity Act, 2024, it has become necessary to create various types of licenses. In response, URCA has developed the Electricity System Operator Licence and the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Licence. The Electricity System Operator Licence aims to regulate the activities of system operators, ensuring they meet the necessary standards for efficiency and reliability. Similarly, the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Licence has been developed to ensure the effective regulation of…
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has issued a public consultation document and the accompanying draft regulatory framework documents for the Natural Gas Sector (NGS) in The Bahamas. With the enactment of the Natural Gas Act, 2024 (NGA) on 1 June 2024, The Bahamas has introduced a statutory framework for incorporating natural gas into its energy mix. The NGA establishes URCA as the independent regulator of the NGS, responsible for ensuring a transparent, non-discriminatory regulatory environment in line with the provisions of the NGA. As mandated by section 8 of the NGA, URCA is responsible for licensing all natural…