Author Archive

Press Release : Addendum to Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector (“ECS 28/2017”)

19 November, 2020 For Immediate Release Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues an addendum to its document “Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector Licensees”, (ECS 28/2017) for public consultation. The term “specified licensees” refers to holders of Individual Operating Licences (IOLs) and Class Operating Licences Requiring Registration (COLRRs). This include specified licensees providing fixed internet, pay TV services (include cable television), fixed telephony, mobile voice and mobile data and business connectivity services to residential and business customers in The Bahamas. In accordance with ECS 28/2017, licensees are required to, inter alia,…

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Public Notice Extension of time for submission of responses To Draft Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas Consultation Document ES 11/2020 The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Notice in accordance with section 38 (3) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2015. On 28 September 2020, URCA issued its Public Consultation Document – Draft Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas [ES 11/2020] requesting responses to be submitted to URCA on or before 28 October 2020. URCA has received comments from key industry stakeholders indicating that additional time to formulate responses to…

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Creating a Cyber Secure Culture Webinar

ICT innovations are continuing to evolve to assist in developing this “new normal” for learning, social interactions, good governance, and economic structures.  This push to online ‘living’ by COVID 19, has also heightened the potential risk for online abuse and scam. Join URCA for its cybersecurity awareness webinar "Creating a Cyber Secure Culture!" Click HERE to REGISTER for this Webinar!  #becybersmart #URCA

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Press Release: Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas

28th September 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On the 28th September 2020, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published its consultation document “Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas”, (ES 11/2020). URCA is issuing this consultation document pursuant to section 42(1) of the Electricity Act 2015, which requires URCA to consult the public on measures of public significance. URCA considers consumer protection within the Electricity Sector to be of public significance. The regulatory measures as contained in the consultation document are likely to have a substantial impact on the public once issued by URCA. The purpose of…

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