
URCA to Visit the Island

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200"] URCA CEO and DPR[/caption] This coming Sunday September 16th, URCA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mrs. Kathleen Smith and Director of Policy and Regulation (DPR) Mr. Stephen Bereaux will appear on Island FM’s “Parliament Street” from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Smith and Bereaux will discuss URCA’s recently launched public consultation concerning Cable Bahamas Limited’s (CBL) application to raise the price of its SuperBasic [REVTV Prime] package. They will also expand the discussion to include other issues concerning URCA’s role as a regulator of the electronic communications sector, its ongoing and upcoming regulatory activities. The September 11th…

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URCA on Star 106.5FM’s

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200"] Jeff Lloyd, URCA's CEO and DPR[/caption] On Monday September 10, 2012, Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Kathleen Smith and Stephen Bereaux, URCA’s Director of Policy and Regulation (DPR) appeared on the live call-in radio show “Jeffrey” on Star 106.5FM. Smith and Bereaux joined radio talk show host Jeff Lloyd, to discuss URCA’s public consultation on Cable Bahamas Limited’s (CBL) application to raise the price of its SuperBasic [REVTV Prime] package. The consultation launched last Tuesday September 4th will end Friday October 19th. A public meeting on the matter is planned for…

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URCA Notice: Complaints Handling Submission Extension

URCA Notice Relevant licensees are advised that the deadline to submit to the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), a copy of your Complaints Procedures for the Handling of Consumer Complaints as required in URCA’s “Guidelines for Developing Licensee Consumer Complaints Handling Procedures” [URCA document reference ECS 16/2012], issued June 16, 2012, has been extended to September 14, 2012. Submissions may be sent via email to, fax to (242) 393 0153, traditional mail to P. O. Box N 4860 or be delivered by hand to URCA offices on East Bay Street, UBS Annex Building.

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URCA on Guardian Radio Morning Show

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200"] URCA CEO and DPR on 96.9 FM[/caption] URCA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kathleen Smith and Director of Policy and Regulation (DPR) Stephen Bereaux, appeared on the Guardian Radio, 96.9 FM’s live radio show Morning Blend on Wednesday September 5th, to discuss the recently launched public consultation on Cable Bahamas Limited’s (CBL) application to increase the price of the SuperBasic [RevTV Prime] cable television package. Smith and Bereaux explained details of the consultation to Morning Blend co-hosts Dwight Strachan and Farrell Goff and also fielded questioned from callers into the show. DPR Bereaux is scheduled to appear…

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