
Notice of Revocation of Licence for Tycoon Global Limited

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) hereby issues this notice in exercise of its power under section 8(1)(e) of the Communications Act, 2009 (“Comms Act”). TAKE NOTICE that on October 25, 2017 URCA issued a Final Determination, having determined that Tycoon Global Limited (“the Licensee”) breached Condition 4.1 of its Individual Operating Licence by having failed and/or refused to pay as notified by URCA in accordance with the Comms Act; AND TAKE NOTICE that on October 25, 2017 URCA issued an Order consequential to the said breach ordering that the Licensee pay in full the outstanding annual URCA Fee…

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URCA issues statement regarding Change on Control in 103.5 FM

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has noted various statements being made in the public domain in relation to the operation and/or ownership of the Radio Broadcasting station operated on the frequency 103.5 FM. URCA, as the regulator for the electronic communications sector in The Bahamas, is responsible for the licensing of all radio broadcasting frequencies, and of persons who operate FM radio stations in The Bahamas. URCA’s decision made on 15 June 2017 in relation to the application submitted on behalf of Mr. Frank Rutherford and Mrs. Blossie Smith (widow of the late Phillip Smith), in which the…

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URCA issues decision in Change of Control with regard to 103.5 FM

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) makes reference to the Simplified Application Form (with supporting documents) for approval of change in control submitted on 14 February 2017 by Brickell Management Group on behalf of Neman Networks Ltd. (the acquirer) and Messrs. Frank Rutherford and Phillip Smith (the Licensee).  URCA sets out herein its devision and reasons for its decision anent the change in control application. Click here to view full decision.

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URCA Launches ICT Competition

In today’s world, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are vital, not just to individual consumers, but also to the development of countries large and small.  As regulator for the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS) in The Bahamas the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) recognizes the role that ICTs can play in improving the lives of Bahamians throughout the archipelago.  To promote this concept among young Bahamians, on 29 September 2017 URCA officially launched its first ICT Competition for students and young adults throughout the country.  The launch took place at the R.M. Bailey High School supported by the principal, Mr. …

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