
PRESS RELEASE: URCA finalizes Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme for Licensees in Electricity Sector

NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS (01 October 2021) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) announced that it has finalized the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for the Electricity Sector (ES). The ADR Scheme applies specifically to licensees who have been issued a Public Electricity Supplier License (“PESL”), Authorised Public Electricity Supplier License (“APESL”), or Independent Power Producer License (“IPPL”). In accordance with the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA), URCA is mandated to establish an ADR scheme to resolve disputes between licensees and independent power producers. Through various drafts and consultation, the Regulator is pleased to publish the ADR Scheme for use. As…

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Request for Proposals (RFP) and Terms of Reference (TOR) for services to conduct surveys of the Pay TV and Radio Broadcasting markets in The Bahamas (2021)

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) invites interested persons to submit proposals for services to conduct surveys of the Pay Television and Radio Broadcasting markets in The Bahamas. It is URCA’s objective to obtain empirical data that can provide representative parameters on the listening and watching habits of consumers and their opinions on the quality of available services and programming provided to consumers over pay-tv and radio in The Bahamas. The deadline for submission of proposals is no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, 6 September 2021. A copy of the full RFP and TOR may be downloaded below:…

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