NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS (01 October 2021) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) announced that it has finalized the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for the Electricity Sector (ES).
The ADR Scheme applies specifically to licensees who have been issued a Public Electricity Supplier License (“PESL”), Authorised Public Electricity Supplier License (“APESL”), or Independent Power Producer License (“IPPL”). In accordance with the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA), URCA is mandated to establish an ADR scheme to resolve disputes between licensees and independent power producers. Through various drafts and consultation, the Regulator is pleased to publish the ADR Scheme for use.
As is URCA’s practice, the regulator published a draft version of the ADR Scheme on 09 July 2021 (Consultation Document (ES 08/2021)) and invited consultation from the public, licensees and other stakeholders. At the close of the consultation period, there were no objections to the proposed scheme resulting in URCA’s finalization and publication of the same.
URCA Director of Utilities and Energy, Shevonn Cambridge says the scheme provides both a formal and comprehensive dispute handling procedure between IPPs and Licensees in the Electricity Sector. “Previously, we relied on ad hoc dispute resolution practices void of formal procedures. However, as the sector evolves it is both necessary and expedient to have a documented and established process to ensure we handle matters between Licensees and Independent Power Producers objectively, fairly transparently and timely.”He goes on to explain that URCA is statutorily bound, as the industry regulator, to set the standards that ensure stability within the sector and that carefully strike a balance between the concerns of licensees and the national interest.
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for Disputes between Licensees and Independent Power Producers for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas is available on URCA’s website (www.urcabahamas.bs).
The documents can also be found at the below links:
URCA Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for Disputes
Statement of Result Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for Disputes
Media Contact:
Arnette Ingraham
Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager
Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority
Telephone: (242) 396-5242
Email: aingraham@urcabahamas.bs