Press Release: Statement of Results and Final Decision on the Addendum to Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector (“ECS 28/2017”)
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, URCA on 9 July 2021 released its Statement of Results and Final Decision on the consultation document on the addendum to the Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS 16/2020), published on 20 November 2020. The consultation stems from URCA’s authority under sections 8(1)(k) and (I) and section 5 of the Communications Act, 2009 (the “Comms Act”) and relevant license conditions relating to market information.
Simultaneously with the publication of the Statement of Results and Final Decision, URCA also publishes its “Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector” (ECS 06/2021). This document sets forth URCA’s reporting format and requirements for market statistics and repeals, supersedes, and replaces URCA’s current data collection practice.
Both documents ECS 05/2021 & ECS 06/2021 can be found here.
Failure to comply with the new reporting format and requirements may subject “specified licensees” to the enforcement provisions of the Comms Act, any other relevant law, and regulatory or other measures.
For the avoidance of doubt, this process does not apply to or impact licensees regulated by URCA in the Electricity Sector.