Responses to Public Consultation on the Proposed Revision of the Retail Pricing Rules
On 26 May 2016, URCA published for consultation its “Preliminary Determination on Proposed Revision of the Retail Pricing Rules for Price Regulated Services Not Subject to Price Cap Regulation (Non Price Capped Services)” (ECS 16/2016).
In this Preliminary Determination, URCA presents for consultation its proposed amendments of the “Regulation of Retail Prices for SMP Operators – Rules” (ECS 06/2014), also known as the Retail Pricing Rules or the Rules.
At the close of the initial response period (i.e., 8 July 2016) URCA received written comments from Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC), Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL), and NewCo2015 Limited (NewCo). Interested parties are now invited to further comment on responses made by BTC, CBL and NewCo by 5:00 p.m. on or before 29 August 2016. Directions for the submission of comments are contained in the consultation document.
Upon consideration of written responses, URCA will publish a Final Determination on the results of the consultation.
URCA encourages respondents to adhere to the new deadline for making written submissions on the first round responses.