Author Archive

Final Determination on Fees in the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas

Final Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas (ES 03/2016) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has published its Final Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas - ES 03/2016 (the Final Determination) in furtherance to its Preliminary Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas – ES 01/2016 (the Preliminary Determination). Downloads ES 03:2016 - Final Determination on Fees in the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas Press Release - Final Determination Fees in Electricity Sector

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Compliance with the Code of Practice for Broadcasting Content

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, (URCA) reminds all broadcasters and persons who deliver audiovisual media services in The Bahamas, to ensure that they and their employees, agents and other persons involved in the delivery of audiovisual media services comply with the relevant provisions of the Code of Practice for Content Regulation (ECS 06/2012) (the Code). The Code, issued by URCA on March 2nd 2012, sets standards for content delivered via audiovisual media services in The Bahamas. All radio and television broadcasters in The Bahamas are required to comply with the provisions of the Code. Through its broadcast content monitoring,…

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Consultation on BTC’s Amended Reference Access and Interconnection Offer

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Notice in accordance with section 11 of the Communications Act, 2009. Further to URCA’s Final Determination (ECS 19/2016) on the required changes to BTC’s Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (RAIO), BTC submitted its amended RAIO to URCA for its review and final approval. The amended RAIO can be downloaded below. URCA invites and welcomes written comments from interested parties regarding the amendments set out in the revised BTC RAIO. The timelines for submitting comments and URCA’s final review and approval are set forth below: Interested parties may submit comments to URCA…

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Lorem Ipsum Dummy 1

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”), today issued its Statement of Results and Final Decision (ECS 41/2016) along with the finalised text of the Quality of Service Regulations, ECS 42/2016 (the “QoS Regulations”). The Regulations are applicable to holders of Individual Operating Licences (IOLs) that provide fixed or fixed wireless telephony services, cellular mobile voice and data services, and internet services, including both legacy services and next-generation services. (more…)

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