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URCA issues Notice of Proposed Change in Control of Last Mile Communications Limited

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) hereby gives notice that on 22 May 2017, in accordance with Section 70(3) of the Communications Act, 2009, it received from Last Mile Communications Ltd (LMC) a Simplified Notification of a proposed transaction between LMC and VosCom Inc. (VosCom) for approval which will result in the acquisition by VosCom from LMC of all the outstanding shares of LMC (the “Transaction”). URCA invites interested parties to submit written representations regarding the proposed change in control for consideration, to the Director of Electronic Communications either: by hand, to the office of the Utilities Regulation and…

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URCA 2016 Annual Report & 2017 Annual Plan

Today, URCA published its 2016 Annual Report and 2017 Annual Plan. An Oral Hearing to discuss said reports will be scheduled for a later date. The report can be downloaded by clicking on the PDF document below. Statement of Results - Draft Annual Plan 2017 URCA 2017 Annual Plan URCA 2016 Annual Report

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URCA Provides Update on MNP Launch

MNP UPDATE The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), is pleased to advise the public that Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is now a reality having been launched yesterday. Scores of consumers in The Bahamas were able to successfully ‘port’ their existing numbers between service providers yesterday morning. URCA was notified that around 12:20pm yesterday, the system began to experience some problems in that messages between operators were not delivered within the timeframes required and stipulated in the rules. The operators and third party clearing house are working to resolve the issues and we understand that ports are being processed normally.…

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Mobile Number Portability Launch Extended to 27 April 2017

On 17 February 2017, URCA issued its Final Determination (ECS 01/2017), which required service providers, BTC and Aliv, to ensure readiness for the launch of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) by 14 April 2017. At the time, it was anticipated and promised that MNP would be available on all islands where mobile services are available from more than one licensee from 25 April 2017. URCA is satisfied that all required systems have been installed and implemented, however, final testing of the live process has resulted in the need for a short postponement of the MNP. Over the weekend, the Bahamas Telecommunications…

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