Author Archive

National Spectrum Plan (2020-2023) (ECS 02/2020)

Press Release National Spectrum Plan (2020-2023) (ECS 02/2020) For Immediate Release The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has today published the National Spectrum Plan.  This document: establishes a framework for implementing the requirements of the Comms Act; andoutlines the principles that URCA shall adhere to when:relying on voluntary or industry standards instead of regulations; andtaking enforcement action to ensure adequate protection of licensed radio spectrum bands from interference. What is the National Spectrum Plan, and whom does it impact? The National Spectrum Plan (NSP) pertains to the use of all wireless communication systems and devices in The Bahamas.  The…

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ES 03/2020 Statement of Results and Final Determination on Guidelines for the Approval of Renewable Energy Self Generation

10 March 2020 Press Release For Immediate Release The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, URCA today issued the final document in respect of Guidelines for the Approval of Renewable Energy Self-Generation Projects (RESG) for Small and Commercial and Government.  The document, (ES 05/2019), was first published for consultation on 26 September 2019.   The period for submission of written responses and comments to the consultation document was closed on 29 November 2019.  Responses were received from Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) and several industry stakeholders.  URCA thanks the respondents for their participation in the process. In this Statement of Result…

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URCA issues Final Determination and Order to The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited, BTC, for Breaches of Retail Pricing Rules and Other Measures

9 March 2020 PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE URCA issues Final Determination and Order to The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited, BTC, for Breaches of Retail Pricing Rules and Other Measures On 28 February 2020, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (‘URCA’) published a Final Determination and Order (ECS 01/2020)  relating to The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited’s (‘BTC’) breaches of the Retail Pricing Rules for fixed service bundles, Consumer Protection Regulations, and its Individual Operating Licence (‘IOL’). BTC advertised the following changes to the public and implemented them without receiving URCA’s prior written approval: BTC added two channels to its Flow…

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ES 02-2020 Consultation on PESL Reporting Obligations Procedures and Guideline

PRESS RELEASE 27 February 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ES 02/2020 Consultation on Public Electricity Supply Licensees Reporting Obligations Procedures and Guidelines The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), today announced the opening of the consultation on Public Electricity Supply Licensees Reporting Obligations Procedures and Guidelines (the Procedures and Guidelines).  The proposed Procedures and Guidelines are in keeping with URCA’s role, and mandate under the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA), to continuously monitor the operational performance and results of its regulated Licensees. The purpose of this consultation document is to develop the framework and define the parameters which can be used by…

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