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Press Release – URCA Establishes Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Scheme for Disputes between Licensees and Independent Power Producers of Electricity in The Bahamas

(NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has set out the procedure of how it will receive and resolve disputes referred to it by licensees and/or Independent Power Producers (IPPs) as mandated under Section 40 of the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA). URCA’s proposed ADR Scheme specifically addresses unresolved disputes between licensees and IPPs escalated to the regulator. The document outlines those disputes must first go through a mediation process, followed by binding arbitration if there remains an unresolved issue. Appeals in relation to arbitration decisions will be subject to appeal to the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth…

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Press Release – URCA Invites Applications for Two FM Radio Broadcast Frequencies in New Providence

9 July 2021 (NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has issued a Request for Applications (RFA) for an Individual Spectrum Licence (ISL) for use of the frequency 90.7 MHz or 105.7 MHz to provide FM radio broadcast services on the island of New Providence, Bahamas. In June 2021, URCA conducted a review of the radio spectrum being used for FM Radio Broadcasting on the island of New Providence and as a result of their band survey, the independent regulator determined that the two frequencies could now be made available for FM radio broadcast service in New…

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Press Release – URCA Issues Final Decision on CBL’s Pay TV Repackaging Applications

8 July 2021 The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) today published its Statement of Results and Final Decision in response to the applications made by Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL) to restructure its residential and business pay television packages. CBL submitted the application for residential REVTV offers on 27 October 2020 and later submitted the application for business REVTV offers on 20 January 2021. URCA, having reviewed and analysed the applications and its supporting documentation, has approved CBL’s repackaging applications. The approval inter alia requires CBL to notify URCA of the implementation date for the changes and give customers a…

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