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URCA Issues Notice Extending Time Frame to Request for Proposal (RFP) ECS 24/2010

Extension of Time for Submission of a Response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) – Professional Services Today, URCA issued a Notice extending the time frame for interested proponents (individual consultants or firms) to submit a response to its Request for Proposal (RFP) – Professional Services (ECS 24/2010) published on 8th October, 2010. It was necessary to broaden and deepen the number of submissions to encompass the required disciplines and specific areas of expertise as detailed in its RFP ECS 24/2010. URCA is therefore extending the deadline to facilitate further submissions. Interested individual consultants or firms will have until January…

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Extension on Comments to Open New Spectrum Bands Consultation

Today, URCA issued a NOTICE OF EXTENSION FOR Comments to the Public Consultation ECS 23/2010 "Open New Spectrum Bands" issued 1 October, 2010 after URCA received expressions of concern from key stakeholders regarding the deadline to submit representations and requests for URCA to consider an extension to its deadline of November 1, 2010, as stipulated in the document. URCA hereby extends the deadline and will consider all comments from interested parties on the OPEN NEW SPECTRUM BANDS Public Consultation Document that are received by 5:00p.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 2010.  

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Extension of Time for Submitting Comments on Public Consultation on BTC’s Draft RAIO

URCA today issued a Notice extending the time until 26th October, 2010, for interested parties to submit comments on the Public Consultation document (ECS 22/2010) published on 7th September, 2010 regarding BTC’s draft Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (RAIO). Interested parties will have the period from 27th October until 12th November, 2010, to comment on submissions made by BTC regarding its charges for Joining Circuits and Forecasting and Planning as mandated by URCA in the Public Consultation document. Interested parties will also have the opportunity during this latter period to submit comments on all submissions received by URCA in response…

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URCA Published Request for Proposals (RFP) Professional Services

Today, URCA published a REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) – Professional Services document ECS 24/2010. It was developed to solicit responses from a range of consultants and consulting firms to form a roster of relevant expertise. From time to time, URCA engages consultants to assist with developing positions on specialized topics, therefore the roster will assist URCA, when it needs to draw upon specific policy and regulation expertise in communications, water and energy to supplement its own in-house expertise . All Responses should be addressed to the Attention of the Chief Executive Officer of URCA and should be received by URCA…

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