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URCA Today Published Two (2) New Licence Application Forms

URCA today has published two (2) NEW Licence Application Forms: Licence Application Form - ECS 2/2011 Licence Application Form for Amateur Radio Services - ECS 3/2011 Information can be downloaded here and the forms can be found under the tab Licensing "Application Forms." Downloads URCA published Two (2) New application forms

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URCA Announces New Director of Policy

The Chairman of the Board of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Mr. Wayne Aranha, is pleased to announce that the Board has appointed Mrs. Kathleen Riviere-Smith as Director of Policy and Regulation at URCA, effective 17 January 2011. This decision was made following the conclusion of a competitive and rigorous recruitment process that saw URCA receiving applications from the local market as well as regional and international candidates. Mrs. Smith has over 15 years of professional experience including 10 years in utility regulation. Mrs. Smith is a Chartered Accountant and is a licensee of The Bahamas Institute of…

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Response and Final Decision to BTC’s Draft RAIO Public Consultation Published

On 7 September 2010, URCA published a consultation document on BTC’s draft Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (RAIO) consistent with the compliance process outlined in URCA’s Final Decision on SMP Obligations previously published on 22 April 2010. The consultation document contained URCA’s preliminary views and proposed amendments to BTC’s draft RAIO which sets out the terms and conditions upon which BTC will offer access and/or interconnection to Other Licensed Operators (OLOs) in The Bahamas. URCA today issued its Response to the Public Consultation and Final Decision on BTC’s draft RAIO (ECS 01/2011). In issuing this Final Decision document, URCA has…

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