Author Archive

Public Consultation – Number Portability for The Bahamas

Today the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published a consultation paper entitled Number Portability for The Bahamas. This document reviews and seeks comments from stakeholders and interested parties on the introduction of number portability on electronic communications networks in The Bahamas. Interested parties may download copies of the consultation paper from the publication section of URCA’s website at Responses to the consultation paper should be submitted to URCA by 5:00 p.m. on 10 June 2011. URCA will then review responses received to the consultation and publish a Statement of Results for the consultation. The Statement of Results will…

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Public Consultation- Proposed Charging for Interconnection Joining Services

Today the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published a consultation paper on BTC’s proposed charging for interconnection joining services. This document reviews and seeks comments from stakeholders and interested parties on the main joining service charges specified in BTC’s draft Final RAIO submitted to URCA on 23 February 2011. Where appropriate, URCA has also set out its proposed amendments to the charges contained in BTC’s draft Final RAIO. Interested parties may download copies of the consultation paper from the publication section of URCA’s website at Responses to the consultation paper should be submitted to URCA by 5:00 p.m.…

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RFP: Efficiency Study of BTC (Closed)

This Request for Proposals is for the Efficiency Study of BTC and can be downloaded from the PDF document below. Downloads Request for Proposals, Efficiency Study of BTC URCA Notice, RFP Efficiency Study of BTC  

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