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Baker’s Bay Utility Ltd. (“BBUC”) is a Public Electricity Supplier (PES) with an Authorized Public Electricity Suppliers License (APESL) issued by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) on 21 December 2020. BBUC has made an application to URCA to amend its existing tariff pursuant to the relevant sections of the EA, its APESL, and the regulatory guidelines. On 7 February 2023 BBUC submitted a proposal to URCA requesting the following: To modify its electrical rate structure by splitting the electrical rate and method of billing into two parts, including a pass-through fuel rate and a non-fuel / tariff rate,…

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) for Information Technology Support Services

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issues this Request for Proposal (RFP) for Information Technology Support Services, including software and hardware support services. All responses must be submitted in hard copy by no later than 5 p.m. on 7 April 2023. A copy of the full RFP may be downloaded below: Request for Proposal (RFP) and Terms of Reference (TOR) for Information Technology Support Services

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Statement of Results and Final Decision: Guidelines for the Electricity Sector on the Assessment of Fines for Breaches

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”), as the electricity sector regulator, considers the development of a regulatory frameworks governing the sector to be paramount to meeting its statutory obligations as defined in both the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA) and the URCA Act, 2009. Through both Acts, URCA is empowered to impose a regulatory penalty or fine on a licensee who breaches a provision of the EA, a license condition, regulatory and or other measures. The imposition of financial penalties for breaches is also a means to effectively ensure compliance with sector regulations and established standards. URCA undertook the consultation…

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Notice: Final Deadline for Draft Annual Plan 2023

URCA has extended the courtesy of a 5 p.m. March 10 deadline extension for submission of responses to its 2023 Draft Annual Plan for those stakeholders requiring extra time to complete responses. Please note that this extension will be the final deadline for responses to the 2023 Draft Annual Plan.

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