
RFP for Information Technology Support Services – CLOSED

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Information Technology Support Services. It outlines the requirements and invites interested persons to submit quotations for providing Information Technology (IT) Support Services to URCA.  The successful qualified vendor: will provide necessary technical advice, services and (on request) equipment, which enables URCA to: ensure that it has in place the necessary IT systems to support achieving its strategic objectives; ensure the efficient operation of its IT networks and systems; protect and secure URCA’s IT networks and systems, and the information and data stored on those networks and…

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URCA Publishes Draft Annual Plan 2018

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) is pleased to publish its Draft Annual Plan for 2018. This document outlines: A brief review of URCA’s activities in 2017; URCA’s proposed key projects for 2018, including its planned consultation schedule for the year; A series of the key performance indicators which URCA intends to use to measure its performance during the year; and URCA’s proposed budget for the forthcoming financial year. URCA hereby invites and welcomes comments and submissions from members of the public, licensees and other interested parties on the matters contained in this Draft Annual Plan. The timetable for…

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URCA Publishes Statement of Results on Consultation on Measures for Data Collection and Reporting

Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) released its Statement of Results and Final Decision on the “Consultation on Measures for the Collection and Reporting of Market Data by Specified Licensees” (ECS 05/2017). The consultation stems from URCA’s authority under sections 8(1)(k) and (I) and section 5 of the Communications Act, 2009 (the “Comms Act”) and relevant licence conditions relating to market information. The consultation builds on a previous proposal by URCA to receive more frequent market information from licensees and the intent to improve URCA’s overall data collection practice and requirements. Simultaneously with the publication of the Statement…

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Disruption in Mobile Number Portability (MNP) Services

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) understands that there have been significant and unacceptable delays in the Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service experienced by persons seeking to port mobile number during the course of today, 24 November 2017.  The fault appears to impact primarily those customers seeking to switch their service provider and port their cellular mobile telephone numbers from Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC) to Be Aliv Limited (Aliv). URCA is aware of the inconvenience and is taking the necessary measures to further investigate and address this matter expeditiously.  URCA will issue a further updates once the situation…

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