
Press Release – Review of Draft Wholesale Dedicated Internet Access Reference Offers from BTC and CBL

For Immediate Release Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (‘URCA’) published on its website the draft reference offers from BTC and CBL for their point of presence based wholesale dedicated internet access (‘WDIA’) services along with URCA’s consultation document ECS 02/2021. This represents the implementation stage of the obligations set out in the Final Determination on the Review of Wholesale Broadband Access Services under Sections 39 and 40 of the Communications Act, 2009. URCA now invites interested parties to review and comment on both the price and non-price terms for WDIA services proposed by BTC and CBL in their…

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PRESS RELEASE -Adjudication in the Matter of an Application for Approval of Change in Control of Speedcast Caribbean Limited

29 January 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, the Utilities Regulations and Competition Authority (“URCA”) publishes Adjudication [ECS-COMP 01/2021] pursuant to section 105 of the Communications Act 2009 (Comms Act). On the 15 December 2020, Speedcast Caribbean Limited applied for a Change in Control pursuant to section 70(1) of the Comms Act by submitting a Basic Notification Form (with accompanying document) to URCA. This Adjudication sets out URCA's analysis of the effect of the notified Transaction on competition in the relevant market in The Bahamas, pursuant to section 75(1)(a) and 75(1)(b) of the Comms Act, and in accordance with section 103…

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The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (CCREE) Project Preparation Facility (PPF) Information Session

SAVE THE DATE!The Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) will hold an information session focused on the newly launched Project Preparation Facility (PPF).The PPF is designed for private sector entities including project developers interested in accessing sustainable energy project development support for implementation in any of the CARICOM Member States.For more information on the PPF visit:…/ppf-private-sector-info-session/.REGISTER TODAY here:…

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19 January 2021

For Immediate Release Notice of Extension: Addendum to Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector (“ECS 28/2017”) On 19 November 2020, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issued: Addendum to Market Information Reporting Requirements for Specified Licensees in the Electronic Communications Sector ("ECS 28/2017") for public consultation. URCA invited Respondents to send written comments and submissions to URCA by 5:00 p.m. on or before Monday 21 December 2020. To date, URCA has received two responses to the Public Consultation Document. Based on the responses received, URCA will address some of the responses by meeting…

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