Other News

Final Determination Issued on Class Licences, Exemptions and Types of Fees

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issued a Preliminary Determination on 1 October, 2009 (Consultation Document – ECS 03/2009) on the Class Licences, Exemptions & Types of Fees for the electronic communications sector in The Bahamas. The Preliminary Determination set out the intended terms and conditions for class licences, the criteria for licence exemptions and the types of fees to be levied by URCA under the Communications Act, 2009. The Final Determination now sets out the finalised text of the terms and conditions for class licences, the criteria for licence exemptions and the types of fees to be levied…

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Final Determination on Cost of Capital for SMP Operators Monday November 2nd, 2009

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issued a Preliminary Determination on 19 August, 2009 (Consultation Document – ECS02/2009) on the cost of capital associated with the activities of Cable Bahamas Ltd. and Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTC). That document set out URCA’s preliminary views on the cost of capital to be used as input to any regulatory measure that requires the inclusion of a reasonable rate of return under Section 40(3) of the Communications Act, 2009. The Final Determination now sets out the final cost of capital to be used and a summary of responses to the consultation. The…

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URCA Public Consultation on Preliminary Determination on Types of Obligations on SMP Operators

Pursuant to Section 116(3) of the Communications Act 2009, URCA today issued Preliminary Determinations on Types of Obligations on operators deemed to have SMP - BTC and CBL respectively. These Preliminary Determinations are accompanied by two guidelines relating to Accounting Separation and Cost Accounting for BTC and CBL respectively, as well as guidelines for Access & Interconnection. URCA is pleased to invite comments from interested parties on its consultation documents and associated guidelines by 16 November 2009. These documents can be downloaded under Publications on this site.  

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URCA Publishes Results of Retail Price Regulation Consultation

The Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas issued a public consultation on 17 June 2009 on the proposed new Retail Pricing Regulation for the communications sector (”the consultation”). The Retail Pricing Regulation Consultation set out the possible options for retail price regulation in the electronic communications sector. Emphasis was placed on proposing retail price regulation that would be suitable for use in a modern, competitive electronic communications market. Based on a request for an extension for the submission of responses, the consultation closed on 3 August 2009. The Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA) Act came into force on…

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