Notices & Advisories

Press Release

28 August 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Statement of Results and Final Decision (SoRFD) to its “Consultation on Public Electricity Supplier Licensees Reporting Obligations Procedures and Guidelines” (ES: 02/2020). The primary role of URCA is the regulation of the sector in accordance with the goals, objectives and principles underpinning the national energy and electricity sector policy.  Accordingly, it is important that URCA effectively monitor and evaluate Licensees’ performance. On 28 February 2020, URCA issued a Public Consultation Document (ES: 02/2020) in respect of the Public Electricity Supplier Licensees Reporting Obligations Procedures…

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Press Release

28 August 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Disaster Management Regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector in The Bahamas  (ECS 12/2020) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has today published a Second Consultation Document under the caption Disaster Management Regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector in The Bahamas. ThisPublic Consultation Document is listed as ECS 12/2020. In this Second Consultation on Disaster Management Regulations, URCA provides the results of the First Consultation on Disaster Management Regulations and presents revisions to the Proposed Regulations consequential to the responses submitted by Respondents thereto.  In furtherance of section 11 of the Comms Act, URCA…

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Press Release

21 August 2020 PRESS RELEASE URCA issues Statement of Results and Final Decision titled “Framework for the Establishment of Internet Exchange Points (“IXPs”) in The Bahamas (ECS 11/2020) Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Statement of Results and Final Decision on a regulatory framework for the market entry of Internet Exchange Points in The Bahamas. Commonly called an IXP or an IX, an Internet Exchange Point is the technical point, infrastructure or facilities through which Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) and content distributors/aggregators connect with one another to peer and exchange data traffic. Currently, there are no…

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Press Release

19 August 2020 NOTICE OF DISCONTIUANCE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS   The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issues this Notice of Discontinuance in exercise of its powers pursuant to section 4(2)(e) of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, 2009 (URCA Act). On 14 February 2020, URCA published the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations Consultation Document – URCA 01/2020 (“the Consultation Document”) for public consultation that proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection Regulations – ECS 19/2013. The Consultation Document proposed consolidated consumer protection regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS) and the Electricity Sector (ES). URCA…

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