Notices & Advisories

Revised Fee Schedule 2020

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has today issued its Revised Fee Schedule 2020. The new Fee Schedule includes fees payable in 2020 related to URCA’s regulation of both the Electronic Communication Sector (ECS) and Electricity Sector (ES). The Fee Schedule established the revised URCA Fee for 2020, which is based on URCA’s draft Budget for 2020 published on 24 December 2019(URCA 08/2019). Based on URCA Budget 2019 calculations, the ECS URCA Fee is set at 1.094% of relevant turnover, while the ES URCA Fee is set at .3837% of relevant turnover. Publication of the fee schedule is in accordance…

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Public Notice Extension of time for submission of responses To Draft Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas Consultation Document ES 11/2020 The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Notice in accordance with section 38 (3) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2015. On 28 September 2020, URCA issued its Public Consultation Document – Draft Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas [ES 11/2020] requesting responses to be submitted to URCA on or before 28 October 2020. URCA has received comments from key industry stakeholders indicating that additional time to formulate responses to…

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28th September 2020 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE On the 28th September 2020, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published its consultation document “Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas”, (ES 11/2020). URCA is issuing this consultation document pursuant to section 42(1) of the Electricity Act 2015, which requires URCA to consult the public on measures of public significance. URCA considers consumer protection within the Electricity Sector to be of public significance. The regulatory measures as contained in the consultation document are likely to have a substantial impact on the public once issued by URCA. The purpose of…

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Press Release

8 September 2020 Press Release – Final Determination on the Review of Wholesale Broadband Access Services The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) has today published on its website the Final Determination on the Review of Wholesale Broadband Access Services under Sections 39 and 40 of the Communications Act, 2009 (ECS 13/2020). This Final Determination sets out URCA’s position on the need for ex-ante regulation of wholesale Dedicated Internet Access (“DIA”) services in The Bahamas. URCA received feedback from Other Licensed Operators (“OLOs”) that the only regulated wholesale broadband product prior to this review, the Broadband Resale Offer (“BRO”), was…

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