Notices & Advisories

URCA Releases 2022 Fee Schedule

11 February 2022 The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has today issued its Fee Schedule 2022. The new Fee Schedule includes fees payable in 2022 related to URCA’s regulation of both the Electronic Communication Sector (ECS) and Electricity Sector (ES). The Fee Schedule established the revised URCA fee for 2022, which is based on URCA’s draft Budget for 2022 published on 20 December 2021. Based on URCA’s Budget 2022 calculations, the ECS URCA Fee is set at 1.068% of the relevant turnover, while the ES URCA Fee is set at .4921% of relevant turnover. Publication of the fee schedule…

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Request for Proposals (RFP) and Terms of Reference (TOR) for services to conduct surveys of the Pay TV and Radio Broadcasting markets in The Bahamas (2021)

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) invites interested persons to submit proposals for services to conduct surveys of the Pay Television and Radio Broadcasting markets in The Bahamas. It is URCA’s objective to obtain empirical data that can provide representative parameters on the listening and watching habits of consumers and their opinions on the quality of available services and programming provided to consumers over pay-tv and radio in The Bahamas. The deadline for submission of proposals is no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, 6 September 2021. A copy of the full RFP and TOR may be downloaded below:…

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