
Final Determination on Assessment of SMP in Mobile Call and SMS Termination Services

URCA has published its Final Determination and Statement of Results on the “Assessment of Significant Market Power in Mobile Call and Short Messaging Termination Services on NewCo2015 Limited’s Cellular Mobile Network in The Bahamas under Section 39(1) of the Communications Act, 2009” (ECS 33/2016). In this document, URCA made determinations regarding the definition of markets, that NewCo has significant market power (SMP) in those markets, and the extent to which ex-ante regulation is appropriate in those markets. The published document also provides URCA’s feedback on responses received to the consultation, which comprised two rounds of comments from interested persons. At…

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Final Determination on Pricing Rules for Non Price Capped Service

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has published its Final Determination and Statement of Results on the “Consultation on Proposed Revision of the Retail Pricing Rules for Price Regulated Services Not Subject to Price Cap Regulation (Non Price Capped Services)” (ECS 34/2016). In this Final Determination, URCA presents its amendments of the “Regulation of Retail Prices for SMP Operators – Rules” (ECS 06/2014), also known as the Retail Pricing Rules or the Rules. This Final Determination also sets out URCA’s revisions to the Rules for Non Price Capped Services taking into account the responses received during the consultation period…

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URCA to Commence Testing on NewCo’s Rollout Activities

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) is pleased to note that in a Press Release issued by NewCo on Friday 30th September 2016, NewCo announced that its first coverage obligations had been met and invited the public to apply to use NewCo’s services during what NewCo refers to as its “soft launch” phase. On June 30th of this year, following the selection process consistent with the provisions of the Communications Act 2009 (Comms Act), and upon compliance with the Government’s license conditions, NewCo was issued both an Individual Operating Licence (IOL) and an Individual Spectrum Licence (ISL) by URCA.…

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Final Determination on Fees in the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas

Final Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas (ES 03/2016) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has published its Final Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas - ES 03/2016 (the Final Determination) in furtherance to its Preliminary Determination On Fees For The Electricity Sector In The Bahamas – ES 01/2016 (the Preliminary Determination). Downloads ES 03:2016 - Final Determination on Fees in the Electricity Sector in The Bahamas Press Release - Final Determination Fees in Electricity Sector

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