
Press Release

19 August 2020 NOTICE OF DISCONTIUANCE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE CONSUMER PROTECTION (AMENDMENT) REGULATIONS   The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issues this Notice of Discontinuance in exercise of its powers pursuant to section 4(2)(e) of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, 2009 (URCA Act). On 14 February 2020, URCA published the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations Consultation Document – URCA 01/2020 (“the Consultation Document”) for public consultation that proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection Regulations – ECS 19/2013. The Consultation Document proposed consolidated consumer protection regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS) and the Electricity Sector (ES). URCA…

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Press Release

17 August 2020 PRESS RELEASE URCA issues Statement of Results and Final Decision on Revision Of The Code Of Practice For Content Regulation (ECS 07/2020) and the Revised Code Of Practice For Content Regulation (ECS 08/2020) Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues its Statement of Results and Final Decision on Revision Of The Code Of Practice For Content Regulation (ECS 07/2020) document and the Revised Code Of Practice For Content Regulation (ECS 08/2020) document. On 13 December 2019, URCA published and thereby initiated its public consultation process on the Proposed Revision of the Code of Practice for…

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Press Release

17 August 2020 PRESS RELEASE URCA issues Preliminary Determination on the “Proposed Changes to the Reference Access and Interconnection Offer Published by The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited” (ECS 09/2020) Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues a  Preliminary Determination on the changes the Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited (“BTC”) proposes to make to the Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (“RAIO”) published by The BTC. The BTC RAIO sets out the price and non-price terms and conditions under which BTC will permit Other Licensed Operators (“OLOs”) in The Bahamas to physically interconnect with its fixed and mobile networks. BTC is…

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Press Release

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) is searching for the right 21st Century ICT leader to head its Secretariat in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The new Secretary General of the CTU will provide strong, visionary, strategic leadership to enable the Secretariat to fulfil its mandate of fostering ICT-enabled development in the 21st Century. If this is you, please: Download theApplication Brief for the position of Secretary GeneralApplication formFollow the instructions provided in the Application Brief to complete and submit your application. We look forward to hearing from you.

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