URCA publishes first round responses for the Preliminary Determination on the Retail Fixed Market Review

On 28 February 2024, URCA published its preliminary findings on its market review of retail fixed electronic communications services in The Bahamas and launched a two-round consultation to receive public feedback. URCA now publishes the responses from The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited (‘BTC’) and The Cable Bahamas Limited Group (‘CBL Group’) received during the first round of consultation. The CBL Group’s response was redacted to protect commercially sensitive information. As part of the second round, URCA invites public feedback on the views of the first-round respondents. The deadline to respond is Monday, 10 June 2024. 

For further information, please contact:

Juan McCartney

Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager

Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority

1 (242) 395-5242



Full PDF can be found below.

BTC Response to URCA ECS-04-2024 Fixed Market Review 

CBL Group Fixed market review response
