Interim Code of Practice for Broadcasting Content

Part IX of the Communications Act sets out URCA’s role on content regulation. To that end, on 3 February 2010, URCA issued a public consultation on establishing a working group to develop Codes of practice for content regulation (ECS 02/2010) . The Communications Act repealed certain sections of the Broadcasting Act and the subsidiary legislation made thereunder which covered all forms of broadcasting content, including programming, news broadcasts, advertising, political broadcasts and other forms of broadcasting content. However, until URCA publishes new Codes of Practice for broadcasting content, there is a general need to have content rules in place, particularly for content over which broadcasters in The Bahamas have editorial responsibility and control.

URCA has today published an Interim Code of Practice for Broadcasting Content and a summary of the Interim Code. The Interim Code for Broadcasting Content, together with the Interim Code for Political Broadcasts (ECS 01/2010), makes licensees in The Bahamas responsible for ensuring compliance with the Interim Codes for all programming on the TV channels and radio stations that they operate, including their own productions, acquired programmes and programmes made by persons or organisations that have purchased airtime.

The documents can be downloaded
