NGS 10/2024 – Natural Gas Metering Regulation

1) In the exercise of the powers conferred upon it by section 8(3)(c) and 123(g) of the Natural Gas Act, 2024, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) hereby issues these Regulations relating the metering of natural gas in The Bahamas.

2) The key contents of these Regulations are as follows:

a) to set out the obligations of a gas shipper who shall provide Meter Data to the Designated Gas Transporter under the Gas Network Code;

b) to set out the obligations of the Designated Gas Transporter who owns a Meter Installation and who performs balancing and settlement in the Industry;

c) to set out the obligations of a Gas Retailer who retails gas to Retail Customer;

d) to address issues associated with the production, storage, collection, transmission and verification of Meter Data from all Meter Installations; and

e) to describe specifications of Meter Installations and associated equipment
