ES 06/2018 Statement of Results and Final Decision on on BPL’s Consumer Protection Plan
Today the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, URCA published its Statement of Results and Final Decision (SOR) with regards to the Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) Consumer Protection Plan (CPP). In accordance with the Electricity Act, (EA), BPL is mandated to produce a Consumer Protection Plan which must then be vetted by URCA. Following established consultation rules, and after an initial review and revision of the document, URCA engaged the public in an extensive period of consultation holding town meetings throughout several family islands and New Providence.
At the conclusion of the consultation process, the legislation requires URCA to review the feedback received, and provide an assessment of the document. The next step is for BPL produce a final document, within 30 days of this press release, incorporating the suggested changes and then communicate its contents to BPL’s consumers.
The CPP stipulates service level requirements for BPL for when the company interacts with its customers. The CPP is consistent with industry standards and will govern the relationship between BPL and its consumers in all matters pertaining to the provision of services offered by BPL, inclusive of complaints and dispute resolution processes.
The purpose of the uploaded Statement of Results and Final Decision is to:
- Provide URCA’s assessment of the CPP;
- Summarise the written submissions received in response to the Consultation Document;
- Provide URCA’s analysis of and comments on the submissions received in response to the Consultation Document;
- Ensure that BPL’s CPP is compliant with the legal and regulatory requirements of its operating Licence and the EA.
The full statement of results and determination can be found below.