ES 04/2021 URCA’s Evaluation of BPL’s Renewable Energy Plan 2020 Final Determination and Order

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) is the independent regulator of the electricity sector (“ES”), in accordance with the URCA Act, 2009 and the Electricity Act (“EA”) section 22. URCA regulates the ES through the EA, which sets out, inter alia, the powers and obligations of URCA in addition to the various requirements to be expected of entities licenced to operate in the ES and regulated by URCA.

URCA issues this Final Determination and Order (“FOO”) to Bahamas Power and Light Ltd. (“BPL” or the “Licencee”) in accordance with section 25 (S)(b) of the EA which requires URCA to determine whether to approve the Renewable Energy Plan (“REP”) of a licencee as being consistent with the electricity sector policy objectives and the national energy policy.

This FOO is issued consequential on BPL’s latest submission to URCA of its REP, which BPL is mandated in accordance with section 25 of the EA to produce. BPL’s latest submission was contained in documents received under cover of letters dated 10th October 2019 and 10th November 2020.
