The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) in addition to reviewing and setting tariffs, is required to continuously monitor the operational performance and results of the regulated Licensees. URCA is therefore required to assess, monitor and evaluate the performance of the Public Electricity Suppliers (PES) towards achieving the overall energy policy goals of the Government of The Bahamas (GoB). The purpose of this consultation document is to develop the framework and define the parameters which can be used by URCA to assess, monitor and evaluate the operational performance of the PES, towards achieving the overall energy sector policy goals and electricity sector policy and objectives.
URCA is issuing this consultation pursuant to section 38(1)(k) of the Electricity Act, 2015 (“EA”); Part C – Reporting Obligations, Condition 24 of the Public Electricity Suppliers Licence (PESL) and Condition 23 of the Authorized Public Electricity Suppliers Licence (APESL). The procedures and guidelines seeks to establish the scope, format and the frequency in which specified licensees in the electricity sector are obligated to submit information requirements to URCA. The term “specified licensees” refers to holders of either a Public Electricity Supply Licence (PESL) or an Authorised Public Electricity Licence (APESL.).
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