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URCA Publications

Request for proposal – Allocation of Indirect Costs Methodology

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority invites interested parties to submit proposals for services to provide an appropriate methodology for the allocation of indirect costs in a multi-sector environment. The deadline for submission of proposals is no later than 5:00pm 28 July 2023. A copy of the RFP can be


The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) issues this Request for Proposal (RFP) to suitably qualified security services companies to provide guarding services at its Frederick House office building and its Frederick House Parking Lot, both situated on Frederick Street, Nassau, Bahamas (“the Services”). This document outlines the requirements for

Requests For Proposals – ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE

You are hereby invited to bid in competition with others for the provision of Elevator Maintenance Services to the Utility Regulation and Competition Authority’s (URCA) offices situated at Frederick House, Frederick Street. A copy of the full RFP may be downloaded below. https://mangra.dev/wp-content/uploads/sites/32/2023/06/URCA-Request-for-Elevator-Services-Proposals.pdf

Battery Energy Storage: Invitation for Comments

Battery storage systems have the capacity to advance the electricity sector policy and objectives as they enable renewables like solar and wind to be stored and then released when needed. Additionally, advances in battery storage technology have made system of grid stability and energy coordination an important part of the

URCA 04/2023 Annual Report 2022 & 2023 Annual Plan

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) presents the 2022 Annual Report and 2023 Annual Plan in compliance with section 41 of the URCA Act 2009. The Report which must be published by 30 April each year provides a detailed accounting of the work of the authority including its audited

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