J. Paul Morgan, JP, as he was affectionately called, was a founding Board member of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority of the Bahamas, URCA, having been appointed at the establishment of the authority in August 2009. JP was re-appointed by all subsequent administrations up to and including the current administration. He served the organization with distinction from 2009 up to his death Sunday, 19 January 2020.
As Board Member, Mr. Morgan was pivotal to the effective setting up and launch of the country’s independent regulator and led in the organization’s successful accomplishment of many significant milestones. These include the liberalization of the telecoms market both fixed and mobile which involved the introduction of the competition framework; number portability; interconnectivity regulation; and, capacity building, particularly in the Electricity Sector.

The Chairman of URCA’s Board, attorney Neville Wilchcombe, in remembering JP, said “the URCA family truly lost a treasure and we all should be proud to have had the opportunity to know and work with him”.
Mr. Stephen Bereaux, Chief Executive Officer, said “there is no doubt that when judged, JP will be judged as one of the best. I feel blessed to have had his input in my life. I am a better person for it.”
Mr. Morgan began his regulatory career in his home country of Jamaica and over the years distinguished himself as a utility regulator not only in Jamaica and the region, but throughout the world. He demonstrated a keen understanding of the issues pertaining to the regulation of multiple sectors, telecommunications, energy, and water and sewerage. JP was a professional engineer with more than 40 years of experience in management and consulting in the region.

The Electronic Communications and Electricity Sectors in The Bahamas benefitted tremendously from JP’s expertise, vast knowledge, and experience. URCA remembered this giant of a man in a small memorial service on Tuesday, 28 January, at the organization’s office on Frederick Street.
The funeral service for Mr. Morgan was held in Jamaica on Tuesday, 4 February 2020. He will be remembered as a gentleman, a scholar, and a true CARICOM professional.