For Immediate Release
NASSAU, THE BAHAMAS (30 July 2021) The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has today published on its website the Final Determination on its Review of Draft Wholesale Dedicated Internet Access Reference Offers from BTC and CBL under Sections 39 and 40 of the Communications Act, 2009 (ECS 10/2021).
On 8 September 2020, URCA issued a Final Determination on its review of wholesale broadband access services (ECS 13/2020). In that document, URCA determined that regulation of price and non-price terms was needed for the Point of Presence based (PoP-based) Wholesale Dedicated Internet Access (WDIA) services offered by The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited (BTC) and Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL). WDIA services are used by Other Licensed Operators (OLOs) to provide retail broadband services to their own customers. At that time BTC and CBL were required to submit their proposed pricing and non-price terms for WDIA to URCA for review and approval.
On 28 February 2021, URCA commenced a public consultation (ECS 02/2021) on the draft offers, asking for public feedback on both BTC’s and CBL’s proposed terms and conditions. Responses to the first round of consultation were made by Coakster Wireless Limited, Common Law Center and Wicom Bahamas Limited. Only BTC made an additional submission during the second round.
In today’s Final Determination, URCA has replied to the main comments received and has set out the amendments that BTC and CBL are required to make to their draft WDIA reference offers. Section 3.4 of this Final Determination summarises the required changes BTC and CBL must make to their non-price terms and conditions. URCA’s review of pricing for WDIA remains ongoing. BTC and CBL shall continue to support URCA in its review by way of responding to and cooperating with URCA’s requests for amendments and further information until the price terms are approved. BTC and CBL shall then submit their revised offers containing all the required changes for URCA’s approval followed by publication on their respective websites.
A copy of the complete Final Determination document can be downloaded at the link below.
Media Contact:
Mavis Johnson Collie
Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager
Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority
Telephone: (242) 396-5201
Email: mjcollie@urcabahamas.bs
Fax: (242) 393-0153