For Immediate Release
Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (‘URCA’) published on its website the draft reference offers from BTC and CBL for their point of presence based wholesale dedicated internet access (‘WDIA’) services along with URCA’s consultation document ECS 02/2021. This represents the implementation stage of the obligations set out in the Final Determination on the Review of Wholesale Broadband Access Services under Sections 39 and 40 of the Communications Act, 2009.
URCA now invites interested parties to review and comment on both the price and non-price terms for WDIA services proposed by BTC and CBL in their respective reference offers. To facilitate this, URCA has set out specific consultation questions in Section 2 of the accompanying consultation document.
Initial responses should be submitted to URCA by 5:00 p.m. on 28 March 2021. BTC, CBL, and other interested parties will then have the opportunity to further comment on submissions made by other respondents by 28 April 2021.
The full consultation document can be found here.
Written responses or comments on this consultation should be sent to URCA’s Chief Executive Officer, either:
- By hand, to URCA’s office at Frederick House, Frederick Street, Nassau; or
- By mail to P.O. Box N-4860, Nassau, Bahamas; or
- By fax, to (242) 393-0153; or
- By email, to info@urcabahamas.bs.
Mavis Johnson-Collie
Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager
Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority