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Press Release Re Proposed Electricity Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Guidelines

June 19, 2019





The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority, (URCA), today published its proposed Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines for the Electricity Sector, (ES). The guidelines are issued pursuant to section 41 of the Electricity Act 2015, (EA).

The EA enables the further liberalization of the ES, which it is anticipated, will result in a greater number of service providers offering a wider range of electricity services to consumers. As the liberalization of the sector develops, it is likely that there will be a greater number of disputes in the sector between licensees and consumers and also between licensees and other licensees. In this regard, URCA proposes a well-structured, robust and transparent set of procedures for the timely and effective resolution of disputes between all parties, whether between consumers and service providers or between service providers and other service providers. The guidelines published today proposes various options to be implemented for the resolution of these disputes.

Members of the public, interested parties and service providers are encouraged to review the consultation document and provide feedback which will further instruct URCA as it aims to fulfill its mandate to develop Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidelines (“ADR Guidelines”). The final document will set out the schemes and procedures for the fair, transparent and appropriate resolution of such disputes.

URCA is empowered under the EA to inter alia, issue regulatory and other measures for the purpose of carrying into effect the National Energy Policy Objectives.

The consultation on the propose ADR Guidelines closes on the 19 July 2019. Written responses or comments on this Consultation Document should be sent to URCA’s Director of Utility and Energy, either:

  • by hand to URCA’s office at Frederick House, Frederick Street, Nassau;
  • by mail to P.O. Box N-4860, Nassau, Bahamas;
  • by fax to (242) 393-0153; or
  • by email to info@urcabahamas.bs.


Mavis Johnson-Collie

Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager

Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority

Telephone: (242) 396-5201

Facsimile: (242) 393-0153

Email: mjcollie@urcabahamas.bs


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