17 August 2020
URCA issues Preliminary Determination on the “Proposed Changes to the Reference Access and Interconnection Offer Published by The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited” (ECS 09/2020)
Today, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues a Preliminary Determination on the changes the Bahamas Telecommunications Company Limited (“BTC”) proposes to make to the Reference Access and Interconnection Offer (“RAIO”) published by The BTC. The BTC RAIO sets out the price and non-price terms and conditions under which BTC will permit Other Licensed Operators (“OLOs”) in The Bahamas to physically interconnect with its fixed and mobile networks.
BTC is required to permit interconnection to its network on fair, reasonable, transparent and non-discriminatory terms and conditions. One of URCA’s mandate is to review and approve terms and conditions of reference offers that are compatible with the statutory framework of the Communications Act, 2009 and other regulatory measures. The Communications Act also requires URCA to consult with interested parties and stakeholders on matters of public significance.
In part, the proposed changes to the BTC RAIO that are the subject of this Preliminary Determination stem from URCA’s 2016 Final Determination for BTC to provide (upon request) direct interconnection links to BTC’s Mobile Switch.
The changes to the RAIO were submitted by BTC as requested by URCA and will apply to OLOs seeking to establish direct interconnection links to BTC’s Mobile Switch. This public consultation is part of the review process and, as such URCA invites for its consideration written comments/ submissions on BTC’s proposals from members of the public, licensees and interested parties on the issues in this document. Written comments must be filed with URCA’s Director of Electronic Communications either:
- by hand to URCA’s office at Frederick House, Frederick Street, Nassau;
- by mail to P.O. Box N-4860, Nassau, Bahamas;
- by fax to (242) 393-0153; or
- by email to info@urcabahamas.bs.
Copies of the Preliminary Determination may be downloaded here. All written comments to this document should be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on 15 September 2020.
Mavis Johnson-Collie
Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager
Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority
Telephone: (242) 396-5201
Facsimile: (242) 393-0153
Email: mjcollie@urcabahamas.bs