29 January 2021
Today, the Utilities Regulations and Competition Authority (“URCA”) publishes Adjudication [ECS-COMP 01/2021] pursuant to section 105 of the Communications Act 2009 (Comms Act).
On the 15 December 2020, Speedcast Caribbean Limited applied for a Change in Control pursuant to section 70(1) of the Comms Act by submitting a Basic Notification Form (with accompanying document) to URCA.
This Adjudication sets out URCA’s analysis of the effect of the notified Transaction on competition in the relevant market in The Bahamas, pursuant to section 75(1)(a) and 75(1)(b) of the Comms Act, and in accordance with section 103 of the Comms Act. In accordance with section 66 of the Comms Act, URCA has undertaken its analysis in a manner that is consistent with international best practice.
The full Adjudication can be found here.
Media contact:
Mavis Johnson Collie
Corporate and Consumer Relations Manager
Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority
Nassau, The Bahamas
Email: info@urcabahamas.bs
Facsimile: (242) 393 0153