Georgetown, GUYANA – July 25, 2012: I am pleased to be serving as chairman of The Organisation of Caribbean Utility Regulators (OOCUR), which commemorates its 10th anniversary this year, having been established by agreement as a non-profit body on 26th July 2002. It comprises a membership of twelve full members, including regulatory bodies with responsibilities in telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, water and transportation sectors in the Caribbean.
OOCUR is dedicated to improving utility regulation and fostering transparent and stable utility regulation through autonomous and independent regulators in member countries. Since its founding, OOCUR has organised an annual meeting where professionals and staff from among its members and from companies and entities throughout the Caribbean, and regulatory professionals from other regions share relevant information and experiences. The annual gathering not only contributes to the advancement of utility policy, regulation and management, but also aids members in meeting their training and development needs and goals.
Plans are underway to ensure the success of the 2012 conference, which is being held under the theme Utility Regulation in the Caribbean: A Case of the Harmonization of Approaches to Regulation, and is being hosted by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) in Freeport, Grand Bahama, The Bahamas.
This year’s conference will provide participants an opportunity to assess the extent to which OOCUR as a regional organisation has succeeded in its objectives.
More importantly …
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