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Extension of Time for Submission of Responses to the Consultation on the Proposed Revisions to Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this notice in accordance with Section 8(1)(d) of the Communications Act, 2009.

On 18 September 2023, URCA published the “Proposed Revisions to Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector – ECS 10/2023” document on its website, which provided members of the public and interested parties the opportunity to submit to URCA written responses to URCA’s proposed changes to existing consumer protection regulations to make the regulations up-to-date and fit for purpose; clarify ambiguous parts of the regulations; and issue new measures in areas where consumers were not protected. URCA has subsequently received requests from key industry stakeholders for additional time to formulate responses to the matters contained in the Consultation Document.

URCA recognizes the potential impact of the revisions on licensees and consumers. In the circumstances, URCA hereby accedes to and extends the Response Date to the Proposed Revisions to Consumer Protection Regulations for the Electronic Communications Sector to ensure that the consultation process is as comprehensive and inclusive as possible. Members of the public and all interested persons now have until Monday, 23 October 2023 to submit written responses to URCA.  

Subject to the revised date for submission of responses, all responses must be submitted in accordance with the matters as set out in the Consultation Document.

The Consultation Document may be downloaded from the “Publications” section of URCA’s website.

19 October 2023

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