Extension For Responses To ECS 02/2019 – Consultation on the National Spectrum Plan 2019 – 2022

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (“URCA”) issues this Notice in accordance with Section 8(1)(e) of the Communications Act, 2009 and Section 9 of the URCA Consultation Procedure Guidelines – 04/2017.

On 26 March 2019 URCA published on its website Consultation Document – ECS 02/2019 which provided FM radio broadcasters, members of the public and other interested parties the opportunity to submit to URCA written responses to the proposed National Spectrum Plan 2019 – 2022. The consultation period closed on 26 April 2019 and URCA is concerned that it has only received one written response to the Consultation Document.

URCA recognizes the potential impact of the National Spectrum Plan. In the circumstances, URCA extends the Response Date to its “ECS 02/2019 – Consultation on the National Spectrum Plan 2019 – 2022” to 11 June 2019 to provide a further opportunity for interested persons to submit written responses.   All interested persons now have until Tuesday, 11 June 2019 to submit written responses to URCA.

Subject to the revised date for submission of responses, all responses must be submitted in accordance with the instructions as set out in the Consultation Document.

The Consultation Document may be downloaded from the “Consultations” section of the URCA website: www.urcabahamas.bs