On 12 December 2016, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published a Preliminary Determination and Initial Decision (ES 04/2016) in respect of its Review and Proposed Revision to Bahamas Power and Light Limited’s (BPL) Small-Scale Renewable Generation Plan (SSRG). This document constitutes URCA’s Statement of Results and Final Determination to the Public Consultation. URCA, as the independent regulator for the Electricity Sector (ES) in The Bahamas, issues this Statement of Results and Final Determination pursuant to section 38(3)(a) of the Electricity Act, 2015 (EA).
The Electricity Act confers on URCA the power to implement the National Energy Policy (NEP) and the Electricity Sector Policy (ESP), and in that regard to enforce the provisions of the EA. This Statement of Results and Final Determination concludes URCA’s consultative process on the Initial Decision (ES 04/2016) and Preliminary Determination (ES 04/2016) regarding the SSRG implementation.
Purpose of this Statement of Results and Final Determination
In particular, this Statement of Result and Final Determination, URCA:
- summarizes the written submissions received to the Public Consultation document (ES: 04/2016) on BPL’s SSRG Plan;
- provides URCA’s analysis of the submissions made by key stakeholders; and
- sets forth URCA’s Final Determination.
The full Statement of Results and Final Determination can be found below.