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Revised Interim Order – Content Code Complaint Against CBL (Amended 6 August 2021)

This Interim Order is issued by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) this 22nd day of July 2021, pursuant to Section 96 of the Communications Act, 2009 and Paragraph 10.11 of the Content Regulation: Code of Content Regulation (Revised) – ECS 08/2020 (“the Content Code”), to the following Licensee:

Cable Bahamas Limited
Robinson Road at Marathon
P.O. Box CB – 13050
Nassau, Bahamas

The amendment document serves as Paragraph 1.1 of the Interim Order and specifies the period of time URCA has decided it requires to complete its investigation. The amendment also specifies the effective date that the Interim Order takes effect and establishes the period of time it is to remain in effect.

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