This Statement of Results and Final Decision contains the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority’s (URCA) review and final responses to the written submissions received on the “Draft URCA Consultation Procedure Guidelines” URCA 01/2016 (“The Consultation Document”) issued by URCA on October 13, 2016. URCA as the independent regulator and competition authority for the Electronic Communications Sector (ECS) and the Electricity Sector (ES) in The Bahamas issues this Statement of Results and Final Decision pursuant to the Communications Act, 2009 (Comms Act) and the Electricity Act, 2015 (Electricity Act). The Comms Act and the Electricity Act empower URCA to implement the Electronic Communications Sector Policy (ECSP), the National Energy Policy (NEP) and the Electricity Sector Policy (ESP), and in that regard to enforce the provisions of the Comms Act and the Electricity Act, respectively. This Statement of Results and Final Decision are part of the consultative process regarding the procedures which will be utilized by URCA to engage stakeholders in respect of various issues affecting the regulated sectors, licensees and consumers.
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