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ECS 09/2021 – Statement of Results and Final Decision – Cable Bahamas Limited’s Application For The Repackaging Of REVTV Offers

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published today its Statement of Results and Final Decision in response to the applications made by Cable Bahamas Limited (‘CBL’) to restructure its residential and business pay television packages. CBL submitted the application for residential REVTV offers on 27 October 2020 and later submitted the application for business REVTV offers on 20 January 2021.

Having determined the applications were matters of public importance, URCA published a consultation document (ECS 04/2021) on 19 March 2021, setting out URCA’s preliminary views and inviting feedback from the public. Today’s decision follows an extensive consultative process which included a virtual forum, focus groups, and written submissions from members of the general public. URCA has considered all written and verbal feedback in making its final decision.

The complete Statement of Results and Final Decision provides details on how URCA arrived at its decision and also includes a summary of responses gathered during the consultation process. The document can be found on URCA’s website.



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