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ES 02/2017 URCA’s response to BPL SSRG application and interconnection

On 13 December 2016, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published an Initial Decision and Preliminary Determination in respect of URCA’s Review and Proposed Revisions to Bahamas Power and Light Limited (BPL)’s Small-Scale Renewable Generation (SSRG) Plan. In that document, URCA made certain decisions regarding the implementation of SSRG in The Bahamas, and required BPL to revise its SSRG Plan and present the revised Plan to URCA for approval.

URCA has now completed its review of BPL’s revised SSRG Plan which was submitted to URCA by BPL in February 2017, and now issues its decision which incorporates the submissions received. URCA assessed BPL’s documents based on their compliance with URCA’s Initial Decision and Preliminary Determination, their completeness, and their clarity.

BPL’s submission to URCA comprised the following documents: * BPL’s revised SSRG Plan * SSRG Interconnection Requirements Document * Draft SSRG Interconnection Agreement * Application form for SSRG systems.

URCA found that the submission went some way to address the issues outlined by URCA in the Initial SSRG Decision, however all of the documents needed further revision to comply fully with URCA’s decision, improve clarity, and increase legibility. URCA has, in the interests of reducing the time that would be needed to finalise this process, revised the documents accordingly. This document sets out the main revisions which URCA has made to each of the documents submitted by BPL, and provide a brief explanation of why those changes were made.

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