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ECS 08/2018 Second Consultation Technical Standards Framework for FM Radio Broadcasting in The Bahamas

On 22 December 2015 the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) published its consultation document “Technical Standards Framework for FM Radio Broadcasting in The Bahamas – ECS 07/2015” (the First Consultation), setting out proposed technical standards mainly aimed at reducing harmful interference and improving the quality of reception in FM radio broadcasting. The First Consultation closed on 12 February 2016.

In the First Consultation, URCA invited comments from interested parties on the matters set out therein, and URCA received three (3) responses to that consultation. URCA reviewed the comments of the respondents to the First Consultation and URCA again engaged expert technical consultants to undertake further technical work which is intended to address the substantive technical concerns raised by the respondent to the First Consultation.

This Second Consultation on the Technical Standards Framework for FM Radio Broadcasting in The Bahamas – ECS 08/2018 (the Second Consultation) document advances technical work conducted by URCA and provide members of the public, licensees and interested parties with a further opportunity to comment on the proposed technical standards for FM radio broadcasting in The Bahamas and related matters.

All of the responses under this Second Consultation process will be carefully considered and used by URCA for the development of the appropriate technical standards for FM broadcasting in The Bahamas.

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