The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (‘URCA’) hereby issues this Statement of
Results and Final Decision further to its public consultation on Generation Licences – ES 07/2023
(“the Consultation Document”), published on 06 October 2023.
Any person engaging in the generation of electricity in The Bahamas requires a licence1, unless
exempted by law.2 The role of URCA is the regulation of the Electricity Sector (“ES”) which
includes among other things, developing regulatory measures and issuing licencees.3 URCA
initially established a regime of licence types and exemptions for the ES in 2018 (ES 02/2018).
The Consultation Document (ES 07/2023) proposed to develop and introduce a new type of
licence to address persons engaged primarily in large self-supply, called a Generation Licence.
This Statement of Results and Final Decision;
i. provides a background and high-level summary of URCA’s proposal to establish a
Generation Licence.
ii. discusses submissions received to the public consultation on the Generation Licence, (ES
07/2023) issued on 06 October 2023 (the “Consultation Document”),
iii. provides URCA’s response to the submissions made, and
iv. sets out URCA’s Final Decision.