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ES 07/2023 Generation Licence Consultation Document

The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) releases its Consultation Document on its Generation Licence regime.

This Consultation Document is a continuation of the licensing regime that URCA established in 2018, wherein URCA signaled its intent to develop a Large Self-Supply Licence and a Transmission and Distribution Licence. However, rather than use the name of Large Self Supply Licence, URCA has chosen the wording “Generation Licence”.

Among other things, the document:

  • sets out the background to the issuance of this Consultation Document;
  • sets out the regulatory framework under which URCA has exercised its powers to issue this Consultation Document and grant the proposed ES licences and exemption determinations;
  • sets out the types of licences previously established by URCA and the additional licence it proposes to grant in accordance with the EA;
  • references the high-level terms and conditions that may be included in the types of licences URCA proposes to grant under the EA;
  • sets out the statutory exemptions under the EA for the types of electricity generation that are not required to be licenced by URCA;
  • sets out the “next steps” in the consultation process by URCA to the end of establishing the Generation Licence.



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