With this Preliminary Determination, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (‘URCA’) informs Licensees, other stakeholders, and the public in general of its preliminary economic assessment of the competitive dynamics in the retail fixed service market in The Bahamas.
In this consultation paper, URCA sets out its preliminary views and proposals arising from its market reviews of the provisioning of key retail communications services in The Bahamas under section 39(1) of the Communications Act, 2009 (the ‘Comms Act’ or the ‘Act’) and any resulting ex-ante regulatory obligations for SMP operators. The services considered in this market review are as follows:
• Retail fixed voice telephony service;
• Retail fixed broadband services; and
• Retail pay TV services (including cable television services).
The full PDF can be found below.
Preliminary Determination – Retail Fixed Market Review and Assessment